The descent into madness: I (original thought)
The descent into madness: II (formation/growth)
The descent into madness: III (breath)
The descent into madness: IV (alignment and sleep deprivation)
The descent into madness: V (PMDD/fracture)
The descent into madness: VI (spiral)
The descent into madness: VII (chaos and control)
Organism Architecture: I (It started with the anthropocene)
Organism Architecture: II (plunging and swirling)
Organism Architecture: III (hanging the structures of old)
Organism Architecture: IV (building new forms, homes and bones)
Organism Architecture: V (biomineral pathways and patternings)
Organism Architecture: VI (architects of the unseen)
Organism Architecture: VII (intricate and ungrowable)
Organism Architecture: VIII (unchangeable in an ageing world)